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Reduce the Size of a Database in Visual Source Safe.

Vijay Shukla4477 05-Jun-2013

In this article I am going to elaborated how to reduce the size of Database.

To reduce the size of your database:

1.       Check the number of users registered for the database, and delete users if needed. The acceptable number of users varies, depending on the performance of the server and the network.

a.    In Visual SourceSafe Administrator, select the user name of the user to delete from the user list.

b.   On the Users menu, click Delete User

c.    If you are sure you want to delete this user, click Yes. The Users\<username> directory, which contains the Ss.ini file for the user, is deleted.

d.    Delete any shadow folders created for the user that are no longer needed. The locations of shadow folders are in Srcsafe.ini, in Shadow = <shadow folder> entries.

e.   If the deleted user has project rights on the following folders and files, delete those rights. The locations of the folders and file are in Srcsafe.ini.

  •  Shadow folders (Shadow = <shadow folder>)
  •  Web deployment folders (Deploy_Path = <folder>)
  •  Journal file (Journal_File = <filename>).

f.    If you are deleting a database administrator who deployed the administrator Web projects to a remote location using FTP, consider changing the password associated with the deployment path.

2.   Remove any temporary files as described in following.

a.   Ensure that all users are logged out of the database.

b.  In Visual SourceSafe Administrator, open the database.

c.  On the Tools menu, click Clean up Temp Directory.

d.   In the Clean up Local Temporary Files Directory dialog box, indicate the path to the Temp directory.

e.  Click OK.

f.   Notify users that the database is ready to use again.

3.  If your projects have outdated history information, remove it.

4.   Delete any unused files and projects in the database.

5.   If there are projects that are not interrelated, move them as needed to separate databases.

6.  You can also use the SSARC Utility to archive data and the ANALYZE utility to cans a Visual SourceSafe database for integrity.

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